Can You Contract COVID-19 Through Your Eyes?
Could you get the COVID-19 infection from contact lenses? Could you be infected some other way through your eyes? If you’re not careful with the handling of your contact lenses, you could develop an eye infection.

The coronavirus can spread through your eyes, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology. They state:

- The coronavirus may cause pink eye, so don’t touch eye discharge. A recent Chinese study suggests that up to a third of those hospitalized with the disease had eye problems, including viral pink eye or conjunctivitis
- Wearing glasses may give you some protection. Though they’re not as effective as safety goggles, prescription lenses or sunglasses can shield your eyes from some infected droplets in the air
- Avoid rubbing your eyes because it will lower your risk of infection. If you must itch or rub your eyes, or even adjust your glasses, put a tissue over your fingers. If your eyes are dry, to avoid more rubbing, use moisturizing drops. If you must touch your eyes, wash your hands for at least 20 seconds before and after you do so
- Don’t sleep with your contact lenses unless we say that’s OK
- Replace your contact lenses as often as we suggest
- Keep contact lenses away from water because it can introduce germs to your eyes
- Properly clean your lenses by using contact lens disinfecting solution, not water or saliva
- Only use fresh contact lens disinfecting solution in your case
- Regularly and thoroughly clean your contact lens case
- Take out your lenses and call us if you have eye pain, discomfort, redness, or blurred vision
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