Vision Problem Information

Having a Vision Problem isn't the end of the world, but it could potentially signal something much more serious going on behind the scenes. This article talks about common Eyesight Problems that affect people of different ages, but if you have experienced a sudden change in vision, such as sudden onset blurriness, Double Vision, or flashes of blindness, Protects Your Eyesight by contacting your eye doctor immediately. People often experience disturbances or problems with their vision, and the reality is that there are a number of conditions and Eyesight Disorders that can cause these symptoms to appear, and not all of them are even directly related to the eyes. More than half of the people in the world with a vision problem have one of the following:
  • Nearsighted Vision – Officially known as Myopia, nearsightedness is a vision problem that occurs when a person is able to see objects up close but can't focus on them when they are far away. This is common in children, teens, adults, and the elderly without discrimination. It's caused when the light refracts off the front of The Retina and prevents the image from focusing properly. This makes objects appear Blurry at a distance. Most people with nearsighted vision have very good vision up close.Doctors and researchers say that there's currently no way to stop, prevent, or reverse myopia, and that glasses will not stop it from progressively getting worse. Eyesight Exercises have been shown to help, but there are very few clinical studies that prove their efficacy.
  • Farsightedness – This is also known as Hyperopia and happens when a person is unable to effectively focus their eyes on objects that are too close. It happens because the eyeball is too short (or the lens isn't round enough) and the light is refracted at an odd angle, reducing clarity. It's often confused with Presbyopia, although the two conditions are caused by completely different factors. Most doctors will prescribe a pair of reading glasses for people with this vision problem, although it's easy to pick up reading glasses of varying strengths at most grocery stores.
  • Presbyopia – Presbyopia is similar to farsightedness but occurs in people who are aging. Researchers aren't exactly sure what causes Presbyopia, but they know that it's not the same mechanisms that bring about Hyperopia. They believe that it happens when the crystalline lens of the eye loses a bit of its elasticity and isn't able to focus properly any more. This happens as we get older, and there is really no way to stop it.
  • Astigmatism is an eye condition – That happens when two different planes in the eye have different focal points. This happens when the lenses of the eye are misaligned and don't point in the same direction. Astigmatism can be classified into two types – regular and irregular. Irregular Astigmatism is caused most often by scarring in the Cornea and can not be corrected while a special type of contact lens called a Toric Lens can fix regular astigmatism.
Remember nothing beats a healthy diet with the right balance of Vitamins and Minerals when it comes to preventing Vision Problems.


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