Signs and Symptoms of Cataracts

The Symptoms of Cataracts usually develops slowly and causes no pain. At first the cloudiness may affect only a small part of the lens, and you may be unaware of any Eyesight Loss. Over time, however, as the Cataracts grows larger, they cloud more of the lens. When significantly less light reaches The Retina, your vision becomes impaired. Symptoms of Cataracts Include:
  • Clouded, Blurred Vision or dim vision
  • increasing difficulty with Poor Night Vision
  • Sensitivity to light and glare
  • Halos around lights
  • The need for brighter light for reading and other activities
  • Frequent changes in eyeglass or contact lens prescriptions
  • The fading or yellowing of colors
  • Double Vision or multiple visions in one eye
  • Fatigue when reading
  • Inability to thread a needle or perform other fine actions
  • Inability to judge distances or steps (poor depth perception)
Development of so-called “second sight” in which the cataract grows in such a way that vision shifts, and either distance or near vision becomes clearer without glasses If you have a cataract, light from the sun, lamps or oncoming headlights may seem too bright. Glare and halos around lights can make driving uncomfortable and dangerous. You may experience eyestrain or find yourself blinking more often to clear you vision. Keep in mind that cataracts don’t typically cause any change in the appearance of the eye or the production of tears. Pain, redness, itching, irritation, aching in the eye or discharge from the eye may be sign and symptoms of cataracts or other eye disorders. A cataract isn’t dangerous to the physical health of your eye unless the cataract becomes completely white, a condition known as overripe (hypermature) cataract. This can cause inflation, pain and headache. A hypermature cataract is extremely rare but needs to be removed quickly. Gladys was remarrying at the age of 80, so a group of friends took her out to lunch to celebrate. At lunch, they tried, tactfully, to discover why Gladys was marring again at her age. “I guess he’s quite wealthy”, on friend said, but Gladys replied that he was not. “He must be very good looking” another fiend commented, but Gladys said, “No, he’s nothing special to look at.” “Then he must be good between the sheets,” a third friend finally suggested. “At our age? Of course not!” Gladys replied. “Why then, are you getting married?” a friend finally asked. Gladys said, “It’s simple, He’s able to drive at night.” Loss of Vision is only one of the cataracts symptoms.


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