Longer Allergy Season Will Impact Eye Health

longer-allergy-season-will-impact-eye-health.gifPollen; www.ncdc.noaa.gov Do your seasonal allergies affect your eyes?  You probably will not be happy to hear that a study appearing in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences projected that the allergy season will be longer in the upper latitudes of North America. Climate change has lead to longer warm seasons. Warmer temperatures and extra humidity lead to more pollen in the air. Controlling hay fever is more important than ever.

How Hay Fever Affects the Eyes

Hay fever can affect the eyes and other parts of the head, plus the throat. For a person with allergies, breathing in allergens causes an immune system reaction. The body tries to clear out the “invader” by triggering sneezing and a runny nose. The eyes, roof of the mouth, throat, and nose may itch. The nose and mucous membranes become inflamed. This includes the conjunctiva. The conjunctiva covers the inside of the eyelids and the visible whites of the eyes. Eyes that have allergic conjunctivitis look red. Allergy sufferers may be unable to resist the urge to rub the eyes. Rubbing makes it worse. Plus, dirty hands could introduce unwanted particles and germs.

Allergy Eye Drops

Artificial tears help wash out allergens and moisten the eye. Preservative-free artificial tears do not introduce potentially irritating chemicals. You will find decongestant anti-allergy eye drops at the drug store. Some also have antihistamines. They are only for short-term use. A natural alternative is Allergy Desensitization Homeopathic Eye Drops. Some drops take two approaches: antihistamines and mast cell stabilizers. A doctor may prescribe steroidal eye drops for severe cases. Controlling your allergies may stop allergic conjunctivitis, eliminating the need for eye drops.

Allergy Medications

longer-allergy-season-will-impact-eye-health.jpgOral and inhaled allergy medicines are usually very effective. Consult with your doctor and Ear/Nose/Throat specialist. Finding out what you are allergic to helps you avoid the allergens. You could use medication only when certain allergens are in season. For example, ragweed is in bloom mid-July through September, depending on your location. Side effects of antihistamines may include to problems in attention and processing information. Ironically, some allergy eye drops make the eyes drier. If you are concerned about side-effects, try a natural approach. Our Allergy Season Package 1 harnesses homeopathy and Traditional Chinese Medicine. The package includes:

Common-Sense Defense

Of course, avoiding allergens is the first line of defense. Depending on what you are allergic to:
  • Wash bedding in hot water and use dustmite-proof covers
  • Keep pets out of bedrooms and off furniture
  • Wash hands and face with warm, soapy water after exposure to allergens
  • Use an eye wash daily
  • Limit time outdoors when the pollen count is high, and wear a mask
Sources: Medical News Today, Natural Eye Care website. Learn more about allergies and sensitivities on our website.



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