Eye Vision Supplements Information

Taking the right eye vision supplements is something that everyone should try to do; diet alone is often not enough to give the eyes all the nutrients they need, so supplementing with extra vitamins and minerals is a good practice if you want to be proactive and Protect Your Eyesight for as long as possible. There are a lot of important nutrients that your eyes need to maintain and repair the ocular tissue, so here's a short list of some of the most important ones you might want to think about adding to your diet. Zinc – Most people don't think of zinc as one of the most important eye vision supplements, but it plays an extremely vital role in the maintenance of the enzymes that produce Eye Health Antioxidants. In fact, the Retinas have the single highest concentration of the mineral zinc in the entire body. The daily recommended dosage for zinc for eye health is 45 mg per day, which can usually be gotten through a multivitamin. If you're already taking a multivitamin, be careful about adding an additional zinc supplement because high doses can lead to some side effects like nausea or fever, and it can also interfere with the body's uptake of copper. Selenium – Zinc and selenium are two crucial eye vision supplements for production of antioxidant enzymes in the retina. Selenium is difficult to find in food sources, so taking 50 mcg in a Eye Supplement is generally considered to be a good dose. Like zinc, this can usually be found in a multivitamin. Some people tend to develop slight gastrointestinal issues when they take too much selenium, so you might want to start with a smaller dosage at first to ensure that you won't have any adverse reactions. Acai Berry – Acai berry is one of the newest additions to the list of known super foods, and packs an antioxidant punch that gives your entire body a lasting benefit. There are other benefits to Acai, but the incredible antioxidant properties are one of the most sought after. Antioxidants protect your eyes from Macular Degeneration and other degenerative conditions, which happen when the eye's cells are no longer able to reproduce efficiently. Vitamin C – This is probably the most popular out of all the eye vision supplements out there, and can do a lot towards protecting your vision for the immediate and lasting future. Most doctors will recommend supplementing with 1,000 mg per day, but you can take more than this if you feel like it's necessary. As always, discuss dosage with your doctor before starting any new Supplement for Eye Care regimen, but rest assured that vitamin C is one of the safest Supplements for Eye Health available. When the body uses up everything it can, it simply flushes the rest of it through the kidneys, so unless you have kidney disease you never have to worry about developing a toxic vitamin C buildup, as might happen with other supplements. It's better to split the dosage up throughout the day. Eye Vision Supplements to Supplements for Eye Health Eye Vision Supplements to Protect Your Eyesight



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