High Blood Pressure Effects Eyesight and Hypertensive Retinopathy

High blood pressure effects eyesight in several ways, it is important to understand how this happens. High blood pressure puts an extra load on the heart and arteries, causing them to work overtime. As the heart pumps harder to push the blood through the arteries, it creates great pressure on the walls of the blood vessels, capillaries, and veins. Constant pressure damages The Retina, causing a condition known as Hypertensive Retinopathy. Among the symptoms are failing eyesight and Blurred Vision caused by swelling of the optic nerve. The problem can also cause spots on the Retina and bleeding in the back of the eye. High blood pressure is known to trigger various other health conditions including Loss of Vision. When high blood pressure effects eyesight it can cause a lot of serious problems. The retina is damaged due to the pressure of the blood leading to swelling of the optic nerve and narrowing of blood vessels. A large percentage of Americans have high blood pressure, which is predominant among adults 35 and older. Males over sixty are the most high-risk group thus facing the imminent problem of bad eyesight. The biggest danger lies in the fact that nearly half the population is unaware that they have high blood pressure. Since blood pressure can damage your eyesight, it is essential to seek appropriate medical help and have your blood pressure monitored regularly. When left unchecked, blood pressure can cause many problems including Eyesight Loss. Bringing blood pressure back to normal is essential in order to prevent hypertensive retinopathy. As high blood pressure effects eyesight, it is important to normalize blood pressure with the help of a health care professional. Along with your doctor’s prescription it is prudent to consult your dietitian who would be in the best position to recommend a diet that will bring your high blood pressure back to normal. It is not advisable to plan your own diet since there are certain types of food that hypertensive individuals must avoid. Plenty of Exercise protects your vision by getting the body moving which will definitely keep the pressure down. You can also do several eyesight exercises at home that can Rebuild Your Vision. The more physical exertion you put into your daily routine the better your blood circulation will be. Quit Smoking and Help Your Vision, no matter how difficult it may be to give up, since it hardens the arteries. A simple change in your lifestyle can prevent you from losing your eyesight. In many cases, high blood pressure can cause eye damage that is permanent and irreversible. Therefore, you ought to make sure you seek continuous treatment for hypertension. As the blood vessels in the eyes begin to narrow, it restricts the flow of blood thereby damaging the retina and causing Blurred Vision. In addition to treatment for high blood pressure, make sure you visit your ophthalmologist regularly for checkups. Even the slightest problem in your vision must be conveyed to the doctor. Although genetics is something you can’t fight, making smart choices regarding your health will drastically improve how you’re high blood pressure effects eyesight and your life.



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