Dry Eye Supplements Information

If you have dry eye syndrome, the best thing to do is to get some dry eye supplements. When the body stops producing enough tears to clean out dust and other particles, this results in dry eyes. Dry eye naturally occurs as we get older or when women start their menopause cycle. It can also be a sign of a mild to serious side effect when taking medications. Some other causes of dry eye syndrome can be due to the dry or windy weather outside, being inside an air conditioned room all the time, or not blinking enough when at the computer desk. The most heard of complaint from Contact Lens wearers is that their eyes get dry after prolonged or long-term use of contact lenses. However, if none of these reasons are the cause for your dry eyes, then it might be time to check with a doctor. Dry eyes could be a symptom of certain diseases like arthritis, ocular rosacea, lupus, or Sjogren's syndrome. Some of the typical symptoms among people who experience Dry Eyes are dryness, a burning sensation in the eyes, and scratchiness that never seems to go away. Another strange symptom may be watery eyes. Even though you have dry eyes, your body might try and overcompensate due to the lack of water. This causes the body to over produce water as a means to protect itself. There is one common method eye doctors use to measure teardrop production. He or she will place a thin filter paper strip underneath the lower eyelid to measure the amount of tears your eye's produce. This test is called the Schirmer test. The best way to Protect Your Eyesight is to buy some dry eye supplements that are rich in flaxseed oil and omega 3's. Dry eye supplements will greatly help with your condition, but dry eye syndrome itself may not be curable, especially if it's due to old age. DHEA Supplements For Dry Eye will only improve your condition and help relieve some of the scratchiness/burning symptoms, but it is likely that they will not cure it. Your eye doctor might administer products with artificial tears in them. These are eye drops that help get rid of some of the more irritating symptoms. It should be noted that artificial tears should not be used with Contact Lenses. It is important to read the instructions as to how long you would need to wait before inserting your contact lenses in after use of the product. Usually it is 15 minutes or longer. If the artificial tears aren't enough or stop to work, the doctor will prescribe a product called Restasis manufactured by Allergan. This helps the body produce more tears and helps reduce any inflammation the dry eye syndrome is causing. It should be noted that eye drops that help reduce Red Eyes stop working over long periods of time and can also become addictive. Often times these drops can reduce the redness for a short period of time, but they may not be very effective for lubricating the eyeball when used specifically for dry eyes. Remember nothing beats a healthy diet with the right balance of Vitamins and Minerals when it comes to preventing an Eyesight Problem.



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