Vision Problems Information

There are a lot of different Vision Problems that can affect humans, ranging from mild to severe. Some common problems are blind spots, Floaters, Blurry Vision or Blurred Vision, and halos around lights. Of course, the most severe Problem is blindness, and there is rarely anything that can be done to reverse it. To Protect Your Eyesight and take preventative measures against blindness, it helps to familiarize yourself with the different types of common vision problems that affect people. It's always important to consult a Eye Care Professional or Eye Care Specialist if you notice any problems with your vision. Eye conditions can be either progressive or sudden onset; progressive means that it happens slowly over time, which is often the case with Glaucoma and Cataracts, but sudden onset means that it appears over the course of a few days, hours, or minutes. If you have any sudden onset vision problems like Blurry Vision or Double Vision, you should consult professional help immediately. The eyes are very closely intertwined with the brain, and sudden Vision Disorders are often neurological in nature. Vision problems don't always point to just one disease or condition, and in fact most Problems with Eyesight can manifest in the form of Blurred Vision. Sometimes the problem with your vision can be caused by an inflammation or blunt force trauma, and in these cases you should always have your eyes checked out immediately. The following is a list of some of the most common vision problems:
  • Presbyopia – The inability to focus on close objects. Most people who acquire this are in their 40's.
  • Macular Degeneration Symptoms – This is a common side effect of aging, and manifests in Blurry Vision, cloudy vision, colors not appearing as bright, and central vision loss.
  • Floaters – These are small spots or particles that appear to drift lazily across your vision. They are usually harmless and signal areas of the Retina that are not receiving the right input signals. In rare cases they can be a sign of retinal detachment, and in which case they will appear suddenly.
  • Retinal Detachment – This is a Eyesight Problem caused when the retina detaches from its surrounding tissue. The Retina is essentially the film in a camera – when light passes through the Cornea and the lens, it is filtered onto the retina, where millions of photosensitive cells break down the information and pass it up to brain through the optic nerve. If the retina begins to detach and you notice a sudden increase in floaters or blurry vision, you should get immediate medical attention. If not treated soon enough retinal detachment can result in total blindness, or at least massive vision loss.
  • Cataract Information – One of the most common problems with vision among elderly individuals are cataracts. Some Causes of Cataracts are the breakdown of proteins in the eye. It's a progressive disease that cannot be stopped, but can only be delayed, or slowed down.
Eyesight problems happen often, but with the right care and treatment you can prevent certain conditions from taking hold and you can slow down the effects of others.


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