Refractive Error and Your Eyes

A Refractive Error a cures when your Cornea or lens isn’t evenly, and smoothly curved, light rays aren't refracted properly, and you have this condition. In order for you to see, light must pass through the cornea at the front of your eye, through the pupil, and then be focused by the lens onto The Retina. The Retina sits at the back of the eye and converts incoming light into signals your brain can understand. When these structures are all in perfect alignment, you have crystal-clear, 20 20 Vision. When they are even slightly out of alignment, you will end up with Blurry Vision. This is called refractive error. Types of Refractive Error You can use state-of-the-art Advanced Custom Cornea Laser Eye Surgery to carefully reshape your cornea and correct refractive errors such as Myopia also known as Nearsightedness, Hyperopia also known as Farsigntedness and Astigmatism. Since these advanced techniques do not require that they cut a flap in the cornea, most patients achieve better results than traditional Lasik Eye Care, with a much lower risk of complications. Nearsightedness (Myopia) Nearsighted people can see nearby objects clearly, but at a distance, things appear Blurred. Most often, this condition, also know as "myopia," is caused by a Cornea that is too steep or an eye that is too long. In either of these cases, reshaping the cornea with Laser Eye Surgery can re-focus the light onto The Retina, correcting this condition. Farsightedness (Hyperopia) Hyperopia also known as "farsightedness" or "long sightedness" people have clear vision at a distance, but nearby objects are Blurred. The main causes are a flattened cornea or shorter eyeball. Laser eye surgery can effectively treat hyperopia. It is important to note that age-related farsightedness, or Presbyopia, is an entirely different condition, and cannot be treated with laser eye surgery. Astigmatism Astigmatism occurs when a person's cornea is not perfectly round, but more of an ellipse shape like a football. This can cause blurring in both near and far vision, as well as distortions that make things appear taller or wider than they actually are. Laser eye surgery can correct astigmatism. Presbyopia Presbyopia is a special kind of farsightedness that most people begin to develop around age 40. Before that time, the lens of your eye is soft and flexible, allowing it to focus on near objects as well as those farther away. As you age, the lens becomes harder, and begins to have difficulty focusing on near objects. If you have to hold a book at arm's length to read it, you have presbyopia. Once, presbyopia could only be corrected with Contact Lenses or Eyeglasses but now, surgery can free you from your reading glasses for good!


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