Astigmatism Information

Having Astigmatism Information has greatly helped individuals around the world. There are many factors to Astigmatism and yet very few even know what it is. To help solved this problem, here is a reference article comprised solely of Information On Astigmatism. This article hopes to help those who just want some quick facts or general knowledge about it.
What is Astigmatism?
An abnormally shaped Cornea causes it. Typically shaped like a football or the back of a spoon. It can also be due to an oddly shaped lens or because the eye has suffered severe trauma that has led to scarring of the Cornea or scattering of the crystalline lens.
What is difference between regular and irregular astigmatism?
Regular Astigmatism is when the meridians are about 90 degrees apart. Irregular Astigmatism is when the meridians are at any angle other than 90 degrees.
How common is astigmatism?
Studies show that 1 in 6 American adults have astigmatism. 2/3 of people who have Myopia also known as Nearsightedness or Short sightedness also have astigmatism. Astigmatism In Children is more common then you might think. 3 in 10 children ages 5-17 have astigmatism. A study in Brazil showed that 35% of their students in one city had astigmatism. A Bangladesh study showed that about 1 in every 3 adults older than 30 had astigmatism. Who should I see? An Eye Care Specialist or an Eye Care Professional such as a ophthalmologist, optometrist, or an orthoptist will help you.
What are the symptoms?
Squinting, tired eyes, fatigue, sensitivity to light, tilting the head at an angle in order to see clearly, Blurry Vision, Double Vision to triple vision, headaches, and migraines.
What causes astigmatism?
This question is typically very hard to answer due to the many factors that need to be considered. It could simply be bad genetics; in fact if both parents have an Eye Astigmatism, their children are more likely to get it too. It could be due to the body aging. Findings have shown that if the weight of the upper eye lid is heavy, it can put strain on the eye and start to misshape it. It can also be due to poor nutrition.
How do you prevent it?
As the cause is still not completely known, it is also difficult to say how to prevent it. However, starting with a good diet that is highly rich in vitamin A can not hurt. Foods like spinach, carrots, liver, can help with stronger eyes. Remember nothing beats a healthy diet with the right balance of Vitamins and Minerals when it comes to preventing an Eyesight Problem. You can also take other supplements like magnesium and digestive enzymes to help Protect Your Eyesight.
Treating Astigmatism
There are several options to choose from. The three common ones are: Prescription Glasses, Rigid Gas Permeable contact lenses, and Toric Lens. Toric Lenses for Astigmatism can be the prefect lens for you depending on how severe your astigmatism is. If you are looking for various types of Laser-Eye-Surgery then you might want to look at LASIK (Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis) or PRK (Photo Refractive Keratectomy) I hope you found this astigmatism information helpful and remember that Astigmatism is a Condition not a disease and is more common than one might think. Subscribe to EyeSight Vision Care! , our monthly newsletter with in depth astigmatism information to help you keep up to date on how to Protect Your Eyesight with a free bonus. Fill out the form below. You'll then receive an email asking you to confirm that you subscribed. You'll always have the option to unsubscribe at the click of your mouse.


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