Symptoms of Macular Degeneration you should know

The Symptoms of Macular degeneration occurs at a very slow pace giving you many years of normal to slightly Blurred Vision There are many types of Macular Degeneration. The most common form of Macular Degeneration, are related Macular Degeneration, Wet and Dry. Some less common forms, like Best’s viteliform degeneration and Stargardt’s maculopathy, are hereditary and occur during the first two decades of life. Others may result from ocular trama, systemic medication, or infections agents such as toxoplasmosis. The majority of Macular Degenerative conditions result in a central blind spot or Scotomas and significant central Eyesight Loss. Individuals with symptoms of Macular Degeneration or dystophics typically have a difficult time adapting to glare and experience difficulty successfully accomplishing fine detail visual tasks such as reading Some Symptoms of Macular Degeneration:
  • Over the age of 50-60
  • Smoke cigarettes
  • A woman
  • Caucasian
  • Obese
  • Light colored eyes (blue eyes are the most commonly affected)
  • UV light
What's the first thing that comes to mind when we think of tears? We either show tears when we are laughing, crying or if we are yawning. The truth is, our tears are produced throughout the day to lubricate our eye as well as to prevent damage to it. If you have healthy eyes, you won't even feel your tears doing their work silently. Its only when you suffer from Dry Eyes will you feel their deficiency. Tears comprise of water, oils, proteins and mucus. It is a complex combination of these things that bathe your eye and supply a constant layer that ensures that your eye is protected from damage and irritation. The absence of tears causes you to have Red Eyes and irritated eyes. Simply put, having dry eyes means that your eye has less moisture than needed to lubricate it so try some Dry Eye Care. A lot of factors contribute to this phenomenon. There are a lot of reliable methods to cure you of dry eye syndrome. One of the biggest syndromes of Macular Degeneration is the environment. If you are already a victim of dry eye syndrome, you may already know that your environment can make it a lot worse. Common factors that can affect you are:
  • Dry surroundings
  • Wind
  • Smoky atmosphere
  • Air Conditioning
  • Sunlight
There can be an assortment of other things, which can vary from minor to major. For example, if there is a lack of moisture in the air around you, you can have dry eyes. A dry tear duct is also caused by medications, as well as old age and linked conditions, like menopause. Those who wear Contact Lenses also tend to suffer from dry eyes, especially when they wear their lenses long periods of time. Dry eyes can be a caused as a by-product of another disease like lupus, and has even been linked to dry Macular Degeneration conditions of the eye. If you are exposed to any of these factors a lot and regularly, you will see an increase in irritation levels, and if this happens, you should immediately meet your eye doctor so that the condition doesn't get any worse. Remember to look after your eyes properly, as they are one of the most sensitive parts of your body. If you are a person who wears Contacts, you are also at risk. A lot depends on the quality of the contact lens, related products you use, the amount you wear them, and how you look after your contacts. The contact lens you wear tend to make your eyes much more susceptible to your environment, and Products for Eye Health can dry your eyes if used incorrectly. As you get older, your chances of having the Symptoms of Macular Degeneration are much higher. Research has found that around 75% of older people have one type of dry eye condition or the other. Subscribe to EyeSight Vision Care! , our monthly newsletter with in depth information to help you keep up to date on how to Protect Your Eyesight with a free bonus. Fill out the form below. You'll then receive an email asking you to confirm that you subscribed. You'll always have the option to unsubscribe at the click of your mouse. Symptoms of Macular Degeneration to Macular Degeneration Symptoms


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