Nutrients Your Eyes Really Need - Vision Enhancement

The 4 Nutrients Your Eyes Really Need. From Lasik Eye Care to Lutein it seems everywhere you look there is a new product or procedure touting vision enhancement. Here are a few nutrients your eyes really need that play an important role in the Eye Care Health of your eyes. 1. Vitamin A Are carrots really good for your eyes or is that something parents said just to get kids to eat their vegetables? Actually, it's true. Carrots contain a high level of vitamin A, which is very good for your eyes. It helps reduce the risk of Cataracts. Vitamin A is found in many orange, red, and yellow fruits and in leafy green Vegetables for Eye Health. 2. Lutein Lutein for Vision is a carotenoid that your body turns into an Eye Health Antioxidant. Lutein is the primary carotenoid located in the center of The Retina, called the macula. Six mg. of lutein has been shown to reduce the risk of Macular Degeneration by nearly 57%. A similar study showed that a diet low in lutein greatly increased the chance of developing Cataracts. It benefits the overall health of the eye and has even been linked to reducing the hardening and narrowing of arteries. There is currently no recommended daily allowance (RDA) for lutein, but the preventative effects stated above resulted from 6 mg. of lutein per day. With the busy lives we lead today, it is pretty hard to get 6 mg. per day from food sources, which is where a good supplement can come in. 3. Vitamin C It seems vitamin C is an important anti-oxidant for just about everything these days - and it deserves mention in the benefits it has in helping Protect Your Eyesight. Vitamin C has been linked to the prevention of Cataracts, Macular Degeneration Treatment , and eye pressure reduction in Glaucoma patients. Add all these benefits to the seemingly endless other benefits that vitamin C has been linked to for our overall health: it is a Vitamin you do not want to be without. The U.S. RDA for vitamin C is 60 mg. for both men and women. It does not stay in the body very long so it needs to be constantly replenished to obtain the benefits. 4. Bilberry Researchers found that bilberry appears to fortify blood vessel walls, improving blood flow to the tiny blood vessels that keep Healthy Eyes functioning properly, as well as to larger blood vessels that help maintain good circulation throughout the body. It also has been shown to help prevent Macular Degeneration and Cataract. This is one of the nutrients your eyes really need. There is no RDA for this herb, but studies suggest that 80-160 mg. of the standardized extract is the amount needed to obtain the above-mentioned benefits. Remember nothing beats a healthy diet with the right balance of Vitamins and Minerals when it comes to preventing an Eyesight Problem. For more great information on nutrients your eyes really need, improving and preserving your eyesight naturally make sure you are Buying Nutritious Foods. nutrients your eyes really need to other important foods


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