Eye Care For Kids

Although often neglected, Eye Care For Kids is very important to ensure that they do not encounter any vision problems during their tender years. Proper Eye Care is most essential for kids especially since vision problems such as Astigmatism, Hyperopia also know as far sightedness and Myopia also known as near sightedness are common amongst children. Parents need to ensure that kids learn to take good care of their eyes from a young age. Many vision problems such as Cataracts develop in childhood due to undue exposure to UV rays. Eye care for kids is important since vision plays the most important role in their development. In most cases, bad habits such as reading in poor light, spending too much time watching television, to name a few, are the cause of Problems with Eyesight in kids. Some kids are born with a condition called cross-eye or squint. However, with daily eye care these conditions can be treated rather than having your child wear glasses. Natural Eye Care in the form of patching is the best way to treat the condition. Patching the good eye regularly will force the weaker eye to perform more visual tasks and gradually regain normal vision. This condition must be detected early on in childhood, which is why parents need to ensure that their child visits an Eye Care Specialist. The doctor checks each eye separately in order to diagnose the condition. Failure to seek treatment can result in vision being permanently impaired. Eye care for kids begins from the very first year. Every new born requires a basic eye examination by a pediatrician. A detailed examination is essential at the age of 6 months, followed by another at 2 years, and then on an annual basis. Eye Care Health definitely begins at home with parents making sure that their children do not spend too much time watching television or at a computer. Computer screens can have a negative impact on a child’s visions, where many need to wear corrective eye wear. General Eye Care includes Developing Good Habits for Eye Health such as a healthy diet with an emphasis on Buying Nutritious Foods such as leafy Vegetables, fresh fruits and foods rich in Vitamin A.   Children must read with the light source positioned behind them with the reading material placed at least one foot or more away. Some of the symptoms of Problems with Eyesight in children are headaches, watering, burning, double vision, blurring of vision and nausea, as a result of prolonged hours sitting at a computer or television. White light is ideal and children should never be encouraged to watch television in a dark room. Kids ought to sit at least 4 meters away from a TV set or at least 18 inches from a computer screen that is placed at eye level or lower. Parents play the most important role when it comes to Childrens Eye Care and eye care for kids. Parents also should be sensitive and look out for redness, eye fatigue, or frequent rubbing of the eyes in their children, which could lead to corneal abnormalities. While swimming, kids ought to wear watertight goggles to reduce the chances of any infection due to chlorine in the water. Vision is a precious gift and children need to get the best start in life with regular visits to a professional eye care specialist your child's eyes will have a better chance. Remember Nothing beats a healthy diet with the right balance of Vitamins and Minerals when it comes to preventing an eyesight problem. Subscribe to EyeSight Vision Care! , our monthly newsletter with in depth information to help you keep up to date on how to Protect Your Eyesight with a free bonus. Fill out the form below. You'll then receive an email asking you to confirm that you subscribed. You'll always have the option to unsubscribe at the click of your mouse. Eye Care for Kids to Eye Care Information



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