Diabetes and Your Eyesight – The Relationship Between them

Diabetes and your eyesight are connected even though the pancreas is normally what we associate with diabetes. However, the eyes play a major role in people suffering from diabetes. You are at a higher risk of experiencing Blurred Vision, Cataracts, and Diabetic Retinopathy. When left untreated, all these conditions are potentially blinding. However, with early diagnosis and intervention it is easy to be treated appropriately. Without treatment, diabetes can damage most parts of the eye, which is a major cause for blindness in the United States. The greater the level of diabetes, the more the chances of it beginning to affect your eyesight. According to research, two-thirds of diabetics show signs of Blurry Vision after 15 years. Signs of eye damage increases in up to 90 percent of diabetics after 30 years or more. Therefore, it is important for diabetics to opt for Eyesight Testing procedures such as an annual dilated-eye examination. When it comes to diabetes and your eyesight, it is not advisable to neglect undergoing frequent eyesight tests, which some doctors recommend every few months or at least once a year. In addition, it is essential to perform simple Eye Care Exercises at home. Every diabetic must be aware of the symptoms of eyesight disorders. These include blurred vision, hemorrhaging, and even the first noticeable problems with eyesight. Among the first symptoms of diabetes is blurred vision, which is often temporary. However, individuals can experience blurred eyesight at any time if diabetes is not controlled due to swelling of the eye lens. With appropriate treatment for diabetes, blurring ought to go away. Older people with diabetes may be prone to Cataracts, which is clouding of the lens. Clouding blocks light from reaching The Retina at the back of the eye, leading to an Vision Problem. With a cataract, vision becomes blurred or dim, which is treated through a simple Cataract Surgery where the clouded lens is replaced with a plastic lens. Over a few days, the eye begins to function normally again. A Physician can address diabetes and your eyesight problems. Among the most common diabetic eyesight problems is Diabetic Retinopathy, which is caused by acute changes in the structure of the blood vessels carrying blood to the Retina. These blood vessels can rupture and leak fluid or swell. Since the retina is a light-sensitive tissue, any damage can lead to blurred vision and poor eyesight. For this type of problem Laser Eye Surgery is an ideal alternative where the leaking blood vessels are sealed or even killed by the laser. The objective of laser therapy is to preserve eyesight and prevent any further damage. This kind of therapy cannot improve your eyesight. In addition to seeking appropriate treatment for diabetes and your eyesight, it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle and diet. Make sure your daily diet includes a dose of Vegetables and Fruits so that the eyes get proper nutrition. Avoid bad habits such as Smoking, and Alcohol and learn to live a stress-free life. The right diet and Exercising along with insulin can help you maintain your Diabetes and Your Eyesight. Subscribe to EyeSight Vision Care! , our monthly newsletter with in depth information to help you keep up to date on how to Protect Your Eyesight with a free bonus. Fill out the form below. You'll then receive an email asking you to confirm that you subscribed. You'll always have the option to unsubscribe at the click of your mouse. Diabetes and Your Eyesight to Improve Your Eyesight Diabetes and Your Eyesight to Protect Your Eyesight



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