Cataract Removal-When is the right time?

It there a right time to have Cataract Removal Surgery? The decision to have Cataract Surgery is one that you and your eye doctor will make together. You’ll probably have plenty of time to consider and discuses your options carefully. In most cases waiting until you’re ready to have surgery wont harm your eye. You may not need cataract removal surgery for many years if at all. In younger people or those with Diabetes, however, Cataracts may develop more quickly. Base your decision on your degree of vision loss and your ability to function in daily life. In general, surgery is recommended if the results of your visual acuity test are 20/50 or worse, even with Eyeglasses , but this figure isn’t set in stone. Think about how the cataract affects your daily life.
  • Can you see to do your job or drive safely?
  • Can you read or watch television in comfort?
  • Is it difficult to cook, shop, do yard work, climb stairs or take medication?
  • How active are you?
  • Does lack of vision affect your level of independence?
  • Are you afraid you’ll trip or fall or bump into something?
The answers to these questions are different for each person. An older person who isn’t very active may have less need for sharp vision that a younger person who needs to drive a car and earn a living. Some people with only minor vision loss from Cataracts might want Cataract Surgery because of problems with glare or Double Vision. Sometimes cataract removal should be done even if it doesn’t cause major problems with vision, for example, if it s preventing the treatment of another Vision Problem, such as age related Macular Degeneration , Diabetic Retinopathy or retinal detachment. Your lifestyle and occupational needs should be central to your decision. For example, if your job or hobby requires excellent eyesight, you might elect to have surgery much earlier that someone who doesn’t have the same vision requirements. You’ll also want to consider the rate at which your vision is declining. Talk with your eye doctor about how your cataracts are affecting your vision and your life. Although your doctor cannot make the final decision for you, he or she can help you sort out the pros and cons. Here are some questions you might ask you doctor before Cataract Removal:
  • Would new eyeglasses improve my vision?
  • Would I be able to pass a driving test right now?
  • Is my cataract mild, medium, or advanced?
  • Would the improvement from cataract surgery be subtle or obvious?
  • Do I have any other problems besides cataracts that are reducing my vision?
  • Does my eyes condition pose any special problems or risk for cataract surgery?
  • What restrictions will I have following surgery?
  • If I have surgery, how long will I be off work?
  • If I currently need strong prescription glasses to see, what will my prescription be like following surgery?
  • Is surgery covered by my insurance?
  • If not, how much will it cost?
Having a Cataract diagnosed doesn’t mean you have to have it removed immediately. Most people have plenty of time to decide when to have cataract removal surgery. You and your doctor can decide when to have your cataracts removed based on how much the cataract is impairing your vision. If you have cataracts in both eyes and decide to have surgery, you ophthalmologist typically does cataract surgery in one eye at a time. This allows time for the first eye to heal before the second eye is operated on. If you would like some more Cataract Information check out check out these Cataract Books Cataract Removal to more Cataract Information Cataract Removal to Protect Your Eyesight


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