Screen Time: An Ever-Growing Epidemic

Screen Usage Data

Kids and Screens
Children are imitating adult screen habits, increasing their hours spent with digital devices over the years. In a recent study, children under 2 years old were shown to spend about 42 minutes with screen media, children ages 2-4 spend about 2 hours and 40 minutes with screen media, and children ages 5-8 spend almost 3 hours with screen media a day. The older they get, the more time they begin to spend with

Let’s Put This Into Perspective
Considering that most teens spend less than 9 hours asleep, the amount of time spent consuming media is quite shocking. Again, this doesn’t include taking pictures or texting, which could add substantial time to their weekly device consumption. As far as adults go, a typical 168-hour week may look something like this:

How Can We Improve?
These numbers are baffling, and while we know that modifications need to be made, many Americans admit that their habits are unlikely to change. Monitoring children when they are young can help develop better habits as they age. Reducing screen time not only leaves more time for enriching activities like family time and physical activity, but for kids, it’s been shown to improve sleep, school performance, behavior, and overall health. Like other lifestyle changes, instant improvements are unrealistic. It will take serious dedication to make these kinds of alterations.Sources
- Christakis, Dimitri A. “Internet Addiction: a 21 St Century Epidemic?” BMC Medicine, BioMed Central Ltd, 18 Oct. 2010,
- Wiecha, Jean L., et al. “Household Television Access: Associations With Screen Time, Reading, and Homework Among Youth.” ScienceDirect, Elsevier Science Inc., 7 Dec. 2005,
- Stark, Hazel. “Screen Time Is Becoming an Epidemic for Kids (and Everyone). Here’s a Way Out.” Matador Network, Matador Network, 31 July 2017,
- Hunt, Angie. “Limiting Screen Time Improves Sleep, Academics and Behavior, ISU Study Finds.” Iowa State University, University Relations, 31 Mar. 2014,
- Gaffigan, Jim. “Jim Gaffigan Touches on the Prevalence of Screens.” CBS News, CBS Interactive Inc., 30 Dec. 2018,
- Howard, Jacqueline. “Americans at More than 10 Hours a Day on Screens.” CNN, Turner Broadcasting System, Inc., 29 July 2016,
- Wallace, Kelly. “Teens Spend 9 Hours a Day Using Media, Report Says.” CNN, Turner Broadcasting System, Inc., 3 Nov. 2015,
- “The Total Audience Report: Q1 2016.” Nielsen, The Nielsen Company (US), LLC., 27 June 2016,
- Rasmussen, Eric. “Screen Time and Kids: Insights from a New Report.” PBS, Public Broadcasting Service, 19 Oct. 2017,
- Photo on Visual hunt
- Photo credit: on Visual Hunt / CC BY
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