How Do I Know if I Have Age-Related Eye Health Issues?

To know for sure, your eye doctor can give you a comprehensive eye exam with a detailed view of the retina. But, you should definitely tell your eye doctor if you’ve noticed anything different about your vision, such as:
- Sharpness in vision gradually lost
- Straight lines appear wavy
- Distorted appearance of objects
- A dark or empty space in the center of vision

Knowing if you have a likelihood of developing age-related eye health issues gives you an edge to mitigating the risk. Common risk factors include: It should be said that many of these factors are out of our control. We can’t go back in time and make different decisions revolving around our health, but simple life changes can help mitigate the risk of developing age-related eye health issues in the future. Even if you currently have age-related eye health issues, these healthy choices can keep these issues from getting worse.
Lifestyle Changes For Healthy Vision
Dr. Raymond Brill at Brill eye Center suggests these lifestyle changes:At Risk for or Have Age-Related Eye Health Issues? An Eye Vitamin Can Help!
Nutrition plays a key part in keeping your vision protected as you age. Two nutrients called zeaxanthin and lutein protect your vision from age-related eye health issues by shielding your vision from oxidative stress and harmful blue light, two factors that play into age-related eye health issues. Zeaxanthin and lutein can be found in food, but it’s hard to eat enough food to get the right amount of these nutrients our eyes need. That’s where an eye vitamin can help! Taking a daily eye vitamin can shield our vision from developing age-related eye health issues or help stop them from getting worse. Learn more about zeaxanthin and lutein here!
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