On the Job Eye Safety

More than 2,000 people injure their eyes at work every day but with the right eye protection, most of these injuries could have been prevented or the severity lessened. Whether you work in a manufacturing plant, an office or as a mom taking care of little ones, it’s important to protect your eyes. Are you in a position that requires manual labor? When working around equipment or exposure to chemicals and other materials, it’s imperative to wear eye protection.
  • A pair of safety glasses, ideally made with polycarbonate lenses, are necessary for jobs that present an eye safety risk. If there are chemicals present, safety goggles should be worn. Talk with your employer to see if safety glasses are covered in your vision plan.
  • Get to know your work surroundings. Identify the primary health hazards in your line and location of work. By being more aware of the risks present, you can take the appropriate precautionary measures.
Do you work a desk job? You’re likely sitting in front of a computer most days and have begun to realize that digital eye strain is a real thing. Blue light emitted from screens is the culprit. Thankfully, there are several potential solutions.
  • Computer glasses with special lenses can help block blue light emitted from screens. Talk to your eye doctor about these lenses if you spend two or more hours a day in front of a screen or under an LED light.
  • Limit screen time before bed. Ideally, put away your devices a couple hours before going to bed.
Are you a full-time wrangler of kids? When the endless bound of energy strikes, the park and pool are surefire ways to tire the kids out. However, that could also mean UV light exposure, which can cause damage to the eyes and the delicate skin around the eyes.
  • Throw on a pair of sunglasses for you and the kids. Just look for the “100% UVA/UVB” or “UV400” labels to ensure your eyes are properly protected.
  • Grab a wide-brimmed hat or stake out a spot under an umbrella for an added layer of protection.
Need more tips on preventing eye injuries? Check out our Eye Safety Checklist. Regardless of what your work day looks like, talk with your eye doctor about ways you can protect your eyes on the job.



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