Overuse of Contact Lenses

How do make sure you aren’t overusing your lenses?

Most people who have prescription eye glasses prefer wearing contact lenses. It’s not only comfortable but it also doesn’t alter your natural look. Though contact lenses are convenient they shouldn’t be used extensively. Overuse of contact lenses can cause serious damages to your eye. If you are not following the 18 hour week rule, then you could be overusing your contact lenses. In other words you must take out your contact lenses for at least 18 hours a week. Here are some symptoms which are indications that you are using you have your lenses on longer than you should, and you need to consult your eye doctor immediately:
  • Pain and redness in the eye
  • Itching when you remove your lenses
  • Increased mucous secretion in the eye
  • Decreased vision
  • Photophobia or light sensitivity
  • Tearing
  • Inability to remove your lenses because they are stuck in the eye
  Your eye needs direct oxygen to ‘breathe’ and remain healthy. When you wear your lenses for a long time you are denying it oxygen and this can result in complications of the eye. Overuse can cause:
  1. Corneal Ulcer: If you have excessive pain, redness and/or photophobia then chances are you have developed ulcers in your cornea. Usually these ulcers heal in two to three weeks. Your eye-doctor could prescribe you antibiotic drops and ask you to discontinue wearing your contact lenses for a few days or till the ulcers have healed.
  2. Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis: The symptoms of GPC include itching when you remove your lenses, increased mucous production and/or blurry vision when you wear your lenses. In extreme cases you won’t be able to keep your lenses on and it could also result in mucous strands in your eye.
This happens due to large papillae (a small rounded protuberance) in the upper eyelid. Treatment for this includes discontinuation of your contact lenses. Steroids maybe prescribed by your doctor and you will have to take greater care of your lenses in terms of hygiene and reduce the number of hours of usage.
  1. CLARE (Contact Lens Associated Red Eye): Experiencing discomfort when you wear your lenses, or if your eyes get reddish after a few hours of wearing lenses, it could be a sign of CLARE. Your doctor will ask you to discontinue wearing your lenses and in severe cases prescribe steroids.
Ignoring symptoms can lead to permanent damage to your eye. These could be anything from changes in your corneal structure, changes in your vision, to growth of epithelial cells which may block the functioning of healthy cells. A little care on your part can save you from causing severe damage to your eye. Here are a few tips to keep your eyes healthy:
  • Keep a pair of glasses handy, so that you can use them when you’re not using your contacts.
  • Do not sleep with your contact lenses on.
  • Give enough time for your eyes to take in oxygen so that it remains healthy.
  • Maintain proper lens hygiene as mentioned in your prescription.
  • Replace your lenses at intervals advised by your eye-doctor.
Dos-and-Donts-Of-Wearing-Contact-Lenses-791x1024.jpgHouman Ahdieh, MD Lehigh Valley Center for Sight https://www.lvcenter4sight.com eyedoc@lvcenter4sight.com



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