
Showing posts from October, 2019

Is LASIK surgery right for you?

Tired of using glasses or contacts? Have you been using them since you were a child? Do they interfere with performing your job or playing sports? Would you like to live your life without the hassle of taking contact lenses in and out of your eyes? Depending on your goals and physical aspects of your eyes, you may be a good candidate for LASIK surgery which results in physical changes to your eyes to improve your vision. Most of those who have laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis (LASIK) eye surgery achieve 20/25 vision or better but most of those having the surgery will need glasses for night driving or reading as they age. Complications are relatively rare and most people are satisfied with the results though it’s not uncommon for there to be temporary side effects. Those with mild nearsightedness are more likely to have successful surgery. People with a high degree of nearsightedness or farsightedness along with astigmatism run a higher risk of unfavorable results. Prior to LASI...

Dry Eye is a Whole Body Condition

About 33 million Americans in all age groups experience varying degrees of dry eye symptoms. The symptoms may include dryness, grittiness, irritation, burning, and even the seeming contradiction of excessive watering or tearing. What are the risk factors for dry eye? Is there a treatment or cure? How can you prevent dry eye? Does dry eye reflect overall health? Dry Eye Symptoms The symptoms of dry eye are more noticeable to the patient than to casual observers or family members. The person may frequently rub the eyes or complain of burning, a scratchy feeling, or stinging in the eyes. Stringy mucus may form around or in the eyes. The eyes may be red. Vision could become blurred, or the eyes could become fatigued easily. Also, driving at night or wearing contact lenses may become difficult. Ironically, the eyes may overreact and produce too many tears due to irritation from dry eye. The condition usually affects both eyes. Many people with dry eye symptoms start using over-the-counte...