Eye Drops Can Help You See Better and Recover from a Number of Eye Condition
Having well lubricated eyes can help you see and keep your eyes comfortable and healthy. You don’t appreciate the natural tears that keep your eyes comfortable until, for some reason, you lack them or don’t have enough. Eye drops are something you should always have on hand in case you suffer eye irritation. Eye drops normally use saline as the main ingredient. They can keep your eyes wet and comfortable and may contain pharmaceuticals to help you treat an eye condition or recover from an injury. They are used for many reasons. Conjunctivitis (pinkeye): This is an infection or irritation of the conjunctiva, the clear membrane lining your eyelid which covers your eye. If it’s a bacterial or viral infection you may be prescribed antibiotic drops. If allergies, smoke or chemicals are the cause you may get anti-inflammatory eye drops. Contact lens re-wetting : It’s common for those wearing contact lenses to have eyes that feel dry or gritty. Drops can help. Choose one designed for use...