Is Your Job Hurting Your Sight?
Your Eyes And Your Job Your eyes and vision are very resilient but they can only take so much. Whether it’s eye strain due to hours in front of a computer monitor, poor lighting or working with toxic substances, just like other parts of your body, your eyes may be injured at work. Vision is critical to most jobs. Try to find one where sight isn’t required. The American Federation of the Blind estimated in 2010 that 75% of the estimated four million adults in the country who are completely or partially blind are unemployed. Eye strain, fatigue and dry eyes are frequent issues for those of us who routinely work at a computer monitor. It can be more taxing than reading printed text. This “digital” eye strain can result from several issues, including, Screen glare, Bad lighting, Poor posture, Looking at the monitor at the wrong distance and/or angle, and, Uncorrected vision problems. We blink less if we use a computer monitor compared to reading a printed text. This c...